
Enterprise-Level, OpenSource GIS

An enterprise is typically something that requires a large number of people and takes on large and challenging tasks. Enterprise-Level GIS is when we need to integrate a number of GIS users together to work on the same task, typically in diffierent locations and often in different organizations. This is a growing trend in GIS and is required to solve many of the problems facing us today.

There is a growing number of good-quality applications for GIS from the OpenSource community. These apps are growing in popularity and while the have their own drawbacks, they are free! There is also a growing number of good quality datasets and standards that allow us to exchange data gloablly. This situation allows us to learn about and build our own enterprise-level GIS solutions in a classroom.

Learning Objectives


  1. Familiarize yourself with the OSGeo web site
  2. Familiarize yourself with the OSGeoLive web site


  1. Enterprise Level GIS
  2. OSGeo
  3. VirtualMachines
  4. Ubuntu
  5. EPSG
  6. QGIS


IT has setup a virtual machine with the entire OSGeo suite installed. To use it:

VirtualBox & OSGeo (Outdated)

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